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Aradia: 26.08.20

This morning I chose to pull a Dark Goddess oracle card and was graced with Aradia who brings us Defence. 

Aradia, Goddess of Witches

The Card

Drawing this card I know that Aradia has come to warm against taking a defensive stance against things said today. Aradia reminds us that whilst we may have built up a natural defensive wall against unkindness and attack in response to our life experiences, it is only ourselves we make to suffer in the end by diminishing our own energy and spirit with negativity and doubt. 

Aradia teaches us that we need to embrace who we are and live our lives true to our authentic selves, the self that lies hidden safe and cosy underneath the layers of acceptability we have established as the “us” twe present to the world. We need to shed those layers or risk being lost in their false shadows, hidden in the darkness of our own repression’s and restrictions. 

We must defend the self that resides in our wild and primal senses, the natural, child of the Earth self that has been passed down through a long line of wise men and woman, the self that we feel in the very marrow of our bones. 

We must howl our truths into the night becoming one with how they make us feel, bringing them into rhythm with the beat of the heart within our breast that can never be denied. With every breath we take through the day we must protect their validity and tune them into the ancient magic we draw from the Earth and the from the Ether. 

Aradia tells us to stand tall, defend who we are, and to shine as brightly as the full moon as she smiles down upon us.

Aradia, Goddess of Witches

The Goddess

The origins of Aradia are difficult to pin down as there are many varying accounts of who she was. Some depict her as a Goddess of Ancient Rome, the daughter of Diana and Apollo. Others tell that she is the Daughter of Diana and Lucifer (a name pre-dating Christianity, meaning light bringer; this is not a reference to the Christian figure Satan). There are then those who believe she was a powerful mortal witch who’s magic and knowledge was gifted to her by Diana, and which brought her great renown and recognition.

The stunningly beautiful work of @ladytor

The one common thread through most of the tales of Aradia is that she is the daughter of Diana, a Goddess widely worshipped in Ancient Rome. In these tales, Diana sent Aradia to Earth to spend time with the oppressed, the poor, and the disadvantaged. Her task, to teach them the ways of witchcraft and magic. The focus of Aradia’s magical teachings was helping witches to rise above their disadvantage, to seek retribution against their oppressors and to find the means to lift themselves out of poverty. Spells, hexes, enchantments and curses where at the forefront of Aradia’s lessons, along with imparting the knowledge, ways and recipes of earth based medicines and remedies. 

Perhaps it was this deep and unquestionable source of knowledge, this most respected and omnipotent source that led to the title of witch; an old and weathered word meaning wise woman. Because those women were, and witches both male and female in modern times, are blessed with an innate knowledge and understanding of the earth and the wonders it has to offer us medicinally, nutritionally and spiritually.

Aradia, Goddess of Witches

The Hashtags

#witch #witchcraft #spellcasting #spells #elementalmagic #wildwoman #wildwomen #darkmagic #lightmagic #gingerwitch_in_northumberland #pagan #pagans #druid #druidry #druids #darkgoddess #aradia #goddess #diana #deity #oraclecard #tarotcard #divination #spirituality #protection #defense #truth #authenticity #romangoddess #ancientrome #apollo

The stunningly beautiful work of @ladytor

The Credits

This beautiful Dark Goddess Oracle Deck is by @flavia_kate_peters /


@barbarameiklejohnfree /

Aradia, Goddess of Witches

Stay Wild & Blessed Be

Ginger Witch

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Hagalaz: 24.08.20

My own arrangement of Hagalaz , rune from the Elder Futhark

Representation of Hail or Hailstones and pronounced haw-gaw-lawz.

This morning I pulled Hagalaz when asking for insight from the runes on the day ahead.

Hagalaz represents a sense of confinement and constriction that will melt away into freedom and fluidity.  It speaks to us of wrath, destruction and forces within us that cannot be controlled, however their contemplation will bring us inner peace as they run their course. We must allow these force last to run their intended course as no matter how hard we try, we will not be able to bend them to our will or control the path they take.

My own arrangement of Hagalaz , rune from the Elder Futhark

When we draw Hagalaz we must be aware of being circled by sickness and crisis, suffering and hardship; our lesson here is that we must stand facing such trials and teach ourselves to become at one with them, to move with them so that they glide past us, still leaving their mark as they touch us, but not breaking us as they would if we stood rigid against their rage as they crashed upon us. 

My own arrangement of Hagalaz , rune from the Elder Futhark

Hagalaz can also indicate that we are surrounded by chaos, or that we feel chaotic within our own minds or bodies. When I draw this rune I like to take a few moments to sit with my own thoughts and to really notice how my body feels; do I have any pain, unrest or aches to address that I’d not noticed or put off dealing with? Are there issues nagging at my mind that I am now being ushered towards dealing with? Maybe it’s time to put too many “to do” thoughts into a “to do” list to calm the storm swirling around in our minds – being able to look at things like that visually and then tick items off a list always helps to calm my mind if it’s in a storm.

My own arrangement of Hagalaz , rune from the Elder Futhark

In the runic alphabet Hagalaz is the letter H and many believe the colour blue entwines with Hagalaz. 

Stay Wild & Blessed Be

Ginger Witch