Blog: Journey with The Ginger Witch

  • The Wisdom of Darkness: Persephone
    You are invited to accompany me on a soul journey within the words that follow, to sit in the earth with me, fingernails dirty and faces glowing with your sweat from the day, around the crackling fire, under the cover of darkness, and under the influence of your most open mind, most intuitive magic, and […]
  • Imbolc Returns
    Imbolc is the first Pagan Sabbat to fall after the turn of the calendar new year, usually celebrated on 1st and 2nd of February.  Personally, I celebrate on 1st February every year with so much excitement.
  • Mabon Returns
    Mabon.  A word we all know, and a word we all associate with the Autumnal Equinox. As with every seasonal celebration, Mabon returns at the same time every year with its unique blessings and lessons for all who wish to hear them. It is one of my favourite Pagan celebrations and no doubt many of you […]
  • Celebrating Litha – Summer Solstice
    A roaring bonfire with flames high into the air and burning late into the night and early morning is a great way to celebrate the Goddess and the Oak King – the Green Man. We light ritual and symbolic fires, acknowledging that this is the longest day in the turn of the Wheel, and to feel the warmth of the flames that will warm us in the coming months.
  • Solar Eclipse – June 2021
    If, like me, you watched the Solar Eclipse – June 2021 – you probably found it as amazing as I did. Watching the Moon slowly creep in front of the Sun and being awed at how ever changing and vast the Universe we live in really is.In Northumberland, this particular Solar Eclipse – June 2021 saw the Moon covering 28% of the Sun, which may not seem like much, however it was still really something to watch.
  • Ostara Ramblings 2021
    Ostara falls on Saturday 20th March in 2021 and brings to the forefront of our minds the coming of the sun.  Ostara is one of the most beloved festivals for many Pagans, symbolising the return of the Goddess in her flourishing maiden form.  Leaves are back on the trees, the vibrancy of Flora is once […]
  • Imbolc
    Imbolc is a joyous and much celebrated date on the Pagan Wheel of the Year.   Celebrated across the 1st and 2nd February; primarily for many on the 1st February, nature based religions honour this midpoint of winter and the last, usually coldest and most bleak stretch of the journey through the biting dark months towards […]
  • Interview with Pagans of the North Magazine
    Over the course of the last year, I have become much more acquainted with other local (and many none local) Pagans who I have made invaluable connections and friendships with.  One of those is local online magazine creator, Quinn. The magazine is Pagans of the North Magazine.  Over the last few months, I have provided articles […]
  • Full Hunter’s Moon: Samhain 2020
    I had hoped to bring this post, Full Hunter’s Moon: Samhain 2020, to you on Samhain this year, however due to one thing and another that wasn’t possible. My blog about Samhain can be found at . However, as I had this mostly written already I still want to share it with you.  So here it is […]
  • Samhain Celebrations and Traditions
    The Wheel of the Year Stops again … Samhain Celebrations and Traditions Samhain falls on 31st October every year and marks one of the four cross spokes on the Wheel of the Year.  It is not one of the four major Pagan Sabbats, however it sits part way between the Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, and […]
  • Harvest Moon 2020
    This year the Harvest Moon, the full moon closest to Mabon, comes to us on 1st October 2020. The Harvest Moon is at its’ brightest at around 10.05pm BST, when the moon is in full opposition to the sun – bringing us an overwhelmingly important message – balance. By now we have all surely noticed […]
  • Mabon: 22nd September 2020
    Mabon is the autumnal equinox and marks the official start of the season of Autumn. As with Ostara, the vernal equinox in March, Mabon is one of two points in the year when the hours of light and dark are equal; the day and night are perfectly balanced at Mabon and allows us time to pause and recognise that same balance within ourselves.
  • The Full Corn Moon 2020 …..
    ….. falls on 2nd September. And if you’re anything like me you’ll be thinking thank goodness it’s September. I’m sure you’ve all noticed the days getting shorter and the nights getting cooler as the wheels spins us rapidly towards the dark half of the year.  That is why right now, I can be found in […]
  • Aradia: 26.08.20
    This morning I chose to pull a Dark Goddess oracle card and was graced with Aradia who brings us Defence.  The Card Drawing this card I know that Aradia has come to warm against taking a defensive stance against things said today. Aradia reminds us that whilst we may have built up a natural defensive […]
  • Hagalaz: 24.08.20
    Representation of Hail or Hailstones and pronounced haw-gaw-lawz. This morning I pulled Hagalaz when asking for insight from the runes on the day ahead. Hagalaz represents a sense of confinement and constriction that will melt away into freedom and fluidity.  It speaks to us of wrath, destruction and forces within us that cannot be controlled, however […]
  • Waterfalls & Fairy Doors
    From pagans of our ancient history through to the Neo-pagans who practice today, almost all work with the five elements; Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit in some way. So, when on the way home from a camping trip to Kielder, my boyfriend asked if I fancied a bit of a walk up to a […]
  • Ereshkigal: 21.08.20
    Today’s card is Ereshkigal with “coercion” from the beautiful Dark Goddess oracle deck by Flavia Kate Peters and Barbara Meikle John Free. They also have a Familiars deck that is most definitely on my wish list but for now I will be sharing my daily cards from this beautiful deck or a rune drawn from […]
  • Duddo Standing Stones
    Also known as Duddo Five Stones, The Women, and previously Duddo Four Stones. This magical place will forever occupy one of the most special places in my heart as I first visited with my boyfriend and soulmate as part of a wonderful trip he took me on near the beginning of our relationship.   Duddo Five Stones is an […]
  • Lammas 2020 …
    … is celebrated on 1st August every year. Lammas is an ancient Gaelic festival, with festivities on this day stretching as far back as the first Anglo Saxon settlements in the 6th Century AD, and is known as Lunghnasadh in the Gaelic tongue. Literally translated it means Lugh’s Gathering and Loaf Mass and is the […]
  • Ten thousand years ago there was a forest…
    … and it stood where now there is sand and the North Sea. The beautiful Northumberland coastline has many beaches that not only take your breath away, but that the local people are immensely proud of. One of these beaches lies on the slow paced and peaceful area of Cresswell. If you go down to […]
  • Litha 2020…..
    ….. came to us during lockdown in a warm haze of sunshine, flowers, garden games and cider. When the wheel of the year reaches Litha, summer is finally here and the longest day of the year is upon us. Most of us find joy in the summer months, even if we don’t like the heat, […]
  • Beltane 2020
    Beltane is a pagan Springtime festival traditionally celebrated on 1st May, however many Beltane celebrations take place from sunset on 30th April until sunset on 1st May, to honour and mark the point midway through the Spring season and the continuing lengthening of the days and the presence of the sun becoming ever brighter and […]