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Solar Eclipse – June 2021

Solar Eclipse - June 2021

If, like me, you watched the Solar Eclipse – June 2021 – on 11th, you probably found it as amazing as I did. Watching the Moon slowly creep in front of the Sun and being awed at how ever changing and vast the Universe we live in really is.

In Northumberland, this particular Solar Eclipse – June 2021 saw the Moon covering 28% of the Sun, which may not seem like much, however it was still really something to watch. My ever prepared and wonderful boyfriend (who is a massively keen and skilled astronomer) ordered us solar glasses so we could safely watch the Solar Eclipse Directly without harming our eyes.

*** If you ever set out to watch a Solar Eclipse please please use these glasses, they are easy to find online and are not expensive, we paid £3 for two pairs – it’s just not worth damaging your eyes. ***

We already know that the movements of the moon affect our Earth, the most simple example being the pull of the tides moving with the rhythm of the moon. But if the moon can control something as vast as the seas and oceans, it seems clear to me that it can affect so much more, and that the energy from the moon affects us every day in different ways, after all, the human body is made up of around 70% water; why wouldn’t the body therefore also be affected by the pulls of the moon. I don’t claim to be an expert, however I am learning and I hope to bring you a post on what I learn once I’ve learned enough to fill a few paragraphs at least.

The live stream my boyfriend put out of this Eclipse, filmed through his telescope (with appropriate solar filters) from our back garden.

What I have learned about the Eclipse yesterday is that many Astrologers and Sensitives believe the coming together of the Moon and the Sun, as we see them, opens an energetic portal, in this case an even more powerful portal as this solar eclipse fell on a New Moon. Astrologists tell us that decisions and manifestations made on a Solar Eclipse will have more impact, more whammy if you like. Their happening will be faster, their impact greater and their success long lasting and permanent. It is a time when something will end in order to make way for a new beginning. It is important to remember though, that whilst something coming to an end to make way for a new beginning is exciting, not all endings are easy and the emotions you feel will be amplified further by the energy from the Solar Eclipse.

Moving away from the Astrology element what we also see is the coming together of the masculine and feminine elements of the sky above us. The burning, fierce and blinding brilliance of the Sun watching over us and often burning with a too strong heat whilst caressing our skin and lifting our spirits is soothed by the gentle and soft touch of our Luna Lady, who gracefully moves in font of him to whisper her own knowledge and receive her Lords imparted wisdom in return. The celestial bodies who bring us night and day, and bring us the seasons and all of their beauties, share a space for a few beautiful moments to remind us of how interwoven their own cycles are with our own.

During this Solar Eclipse we laid out a blanket and some cushions in our garden, my boyfriend set us his telescope with various Solar filters to record the whole spectacle, then we lay down, eyes to the sky and just let the heat, the energy and most definitely the wonderful visual event take over those moments.

I also set out a lot of my crystals and jewellery to soak up the energy of the Solar Eclipse and was sure to wear a loose cover up to allow my body to absorb as much of the energy as it needed. Bringing the crystals back inside afterwards I could feel the energy emanating from them; holding them sent tingles through my fingers and putting my jewellery back on felt warming and invigorating.

An excess of energy seemed to slowly release from me throughout the rest of the day, most notably I was chatting with my deceased grandmother while stopped for a coffee in Morpeth when the empty cup that I had been drinking from began to dance across the table without any physical assistance.

You can find more of my blog posts HERE and you can visit my shop both at my Ritual Shop page or on Etsy.

Stay Wild
Darkest Ginger Blessings
Ginger Witch

I put a lot of my experience and knowledge into practice to bring you magically and ritually charged items in my Ritual Shop, and in my Etsy Store, which stocks identical items. It is better for me if you purchase from my Ritual Shop as it helps me brand and will eventually allow me to sell less on an outside platform.

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Full Hunter’s Moon: Samhain 2020

Full Hunter's Moon

I had hoped to bring this post, Full Hunter’s Moon: Samhain 2020, to you on Samhain this year, however due to one thing and another that wasn’t possible. My blog about Samhain can be found at . However, as I had this mostly written already I still want to share it with you.  So here it is … – @magicangelfish

How amazing is it that Samhain this year brings us a full moon; the full Hunter’s Moon.   Personally, I find this so exciting; the energies and thinning of the veil that comes with Samhain coupled with a full moon should be an en environment for some really powerful spell and manifestation work.  As if that wasn’t enough, because this is the second full moon in October this year, the full Hunters Moon is also a Blue Moon. 

As an interesting side fact, this year’s Full Hunter’s Moon will be the smallest Full Moon of the year and is therefore referred to as a “Minimoon”, the opposite of a “Supermoon”.  The moon won’t look any different to the naked eye, however, so this is just a fun fact to store in your Full Moon knowledge bank.  

Full Hunter's Moon
Instagram @s.neuhart

Another interesting fact is that the last time Samhain shone with a Full Moon in the sky visible the Globe over, was in 1944, during World War II some 76 years ago.  The next time a Full Moon will fall on Samhain and be Globally visible will be in 2039.  Gosh, I’ll be 56 – let’s not think about that too much right now. 

You also should not be disappointed if the moon does not look blue; it is not supposed to; the moon will retain its usual golden glow and will not shine hues of blue down upon you. 

Full Hunter'sMoon – @corbeauprophet

Full Hunter’s Moon – Meaning 

The Full Hunter’s moon is named as such because this is the time of year when hunters would head out to hunt for preserves, to stock up larders, pantries and store rooms with meat to last throughout the winter.   

Obviously named before the days of nipping to a supermarket at almost any time of the day or night, the Full Hunter’s Moon rises in the sky once the crops have been harvested and the planes are flat and barren, making it easier for the well fed and fattened animals to be seen as they journey across the land.   

Full Hunter's Moon – asha.apothecary

Not only would these animals be easier for hunters to see at this time of year, but their predators such as foxes and wolves would also be easier to see as they too would venture into the open to hunt down the same prey as our ancestors.  

Whereas many Full Moon names depict a general time of year, the Full Hunter’s Moon is a specific night when hunting parties would gather, as along with the advantage gifted to them by the flattened harvested fields, the brightness of the Full Harvest Moon would reduce the need for any other means of providing light, which, until fairly recent times, would have been achieved through the use of fire which obviously brought not only its own risks, but if spotted would have scared any animals away from the hunting party. 

Full Hunter's Moon

Other Names for the Full Hunter’s Moon 

Not all cultures have the same names for the Full Hunter’s Moon, with it also being called the Sanguine or Blood Moon, probably named for the blood from hunting or the kaleidoscope of rich colours we see in nature as all but the evergreens bless us with their most vibrant displays before sinking gracefully to sleep for the winter. 

Another name, found within Native American Tribes, is the Dying Grass Moon.  As with all names attributed to the Full Moons by Native American Tribes, the name comes from observations of nature all around.  It seems clear that this name comes from the dying of the plant life as winter approaches.  Native American naming of Full Moons all tell us something about the time of year they appear to us in the night sky; such an intuitive and soul deep way to stay in tune with the cycles of the earth surrounding us. 

Full Hunter's Moon – @ladytor

The Full Hunters Moon and You (Yes, You!) 

It’s unlikely that you will find yourself out hunting for your own food at this end of this harvest season (though let’s not forget that there are people and settlements around the Earth who do still hunt for food), so what does the Full Hunter’s Moon mean for you?  Well let’s look at the intrinsic message we are receiving from our Lady Luna at this time of year.  To go out hunting for provisions we are gathering what we need for survival, we are putting into practice our hopes and dreams for the coming months, and we are putting in the hard, bloody and dirty work into making sure we have what we need to accomplish our goals throughout the winter; putting into practice that which we have planted and planned for throughout the year.  We understand that these are the last days we will spend outdoors for some time and that our pursuits will take us under rooves and into shelters.  We understand that even distant light can bring illumination to the darkness covering our winter paths. 

So sit a while and think, sit a while and meditate or journal; what do you want to achieve this autumn and winter?  Have you done all that you planned to help you achieve it?  What do you need to do to set the wheel in motion; does this match those planted seeds and drawn out routes? Let the energy and magical light of this Full Hunters Moon surround and penetrate you and pour your ideas and spells filled with that Luna energy into your ritual fires, spaces, chants, dances or spell bags and focus on the manifestation of your desires.   

Full Hunter's Moon
Instagram: @jadecallegart

Set out jars, bottles, dishes and bowls of water to create such powerful moon water this Samhain.  Carefully place your crystals, wands, spell candles, cards and other magical tools in a safe and dry place to soak up the rare and intense vibrations of this super-charged spiritual night. 

There is not a single better day this year to put that first toe out of your comfort zone to embark on something new and exciting.. 

It’s been a challenging year this year, for everyone, and the air around us has generally become filled with more negative energy and more negative vibes than I personally have ever felt.  This Samhain night use the magic and sparkle in the air to cleanse yourself of this negativity; you have the means within you to cleanse your own energies and aura; take the opportunity so beautifully presented to you by the universe to invite calm, peace, determination and strength into your soul.   

Full Hunter's Moon
Instagram: @ liurgo_alessia_art_pagan

Perhaps 2020 has beaten some of your dreams down a little, dampened your ambitions or put new pursuits on hold.  This convergence of Samhain with the ethereal energy of the Full Hunter’s Moon is here to remind us that our dreams and ambitions are not born to be stunted or placed on hold.  Flowers to not stop growing mid-season, they endure and strive towards the light until they bloom into their full beauty.  You are no different.  Maybe you cannot realistically not put practical steps into motion right now, but what can you do?  Can you make written plans?  Put preparations in place?  Just as our ancestors would prepare for their hunt while waiting until the light of the Moon to hunt by, you can make your preparations and be ready to fire when the right time presents itself to you.  Remember, acknowledge, work towards and capture your dreams.  Rarely, under the Full Hunter’s Moon, would the prey wander freely into the lair of the hunter.   

So there you go, a mini rambling from Northumberland about the Full Hunter’s Moon.  I hope you had a magical time and embraced all that this celebration brings. 

Stay Wild 

Blessed Be 

Ginger Witch 

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Harvest Moon 2020

Harvest Moon

This year the Harvest Moon, the full moon closest to Mabon, comes to us on 1st October 2020. The Harvest Moon is at its’ brightest at around 10.05pm BST, when the moon is in full opposition to the sun – bringing us an overwhelmingly important message – balance.

Harvest Moon

By now we have all surely noticed the cooler days, chilly evenings and darker nights. I’m writing this at 7.30pm BST and it’s pitch black outside, which personally I love as it means the lanterns on my hearth are lit up, candles are burning and the cats are all asleep in the same room as us. Try to get them all together like this in the height of summer and you might as well, to quote my dad, try to knit fog.

Harvest Moon Pumpkins

The Harvest Moon is probably one of the most well known of the full moon names, with popular songs named after it, and obviously, the Harvest coming to a close around this time. We are fully into Autumn now with leaves on the ground around our feet and bracing breezes whipping our hair and clothes up around us as we step out out of our doors. We are faced with beautifully warm colours, spicy smells and rich decadent tastes. What’s not to love.

Harvest Moon

So what does the Harvest Moon represent? The first thing the Harvest Moon reminds us to do is to rest and recover from the hard work and dedication of our endeavours this year. In a literal sense we see this referring to the long difficult days spent in the fields reaping the harvest and stocking up for the dark snowy days ahead. However this same lesson can resonate with us in many ways.

Take stock at this time and let our Luna Lady amongst those most beautiful stars show us that we can sit and reflect on the hard work we have put into any of our tasks and ambitions this year. It doesn’t matter what we have dedicated ourselves to as long as we have owned that dedication, moved forward authentically and either have our results or a plan in motion to achieve our goals.

Fox and Full Moon

At this point in the year, allow yourself to lie back, take a deep breath of crisp autumn air and close your eyes to rest a while; you do not have to be constantly in motion, your mind does not have to be constantly thinking, and you do not have to be constantly doing things for others. You are allowed to rest, you are allowed to empty your mind, you are allowed to say no thank you and not today. You are allowed to put yourself first and look after you.

The Harvest Moon symbolises new beginnings, (which is a contradiction to the usual time for new beginnings – the New Moon), and is the perfect time to plan new ventures to begin once your rest is complete, or to plan the progress of existing endeavours once the dark days have passed us by again.

The Harvest Moon is also the time to assess and cleanse; is there something you are carrying with you emotionally, spiritually or physically that is no longer serving you, is feeling heavy or dragging you backwards or down? This is the time to cleanse yourself of such things. Make magical moon water under this full Harvest Moon to cleanse crystals and other magical tools. Use it to ritually cleanse yourself by adding it to bath water or cleansing your hands and face with it. Clear out clutter from your home just as you would at Ostara, after all, we are at Ostara’s opposite at this time of year.

Learn more about balance and the pagan nature of Autumn in my Mabon post at

Harvest Moon

Physically, the Harvest Moon is when the moon looks closest to us in the sky, it appears bigger to us and rises closer to sunset than any other full moon in the lunar year.

A short blog for you this time around, I’ve been very busy and will certainly be taking heed of my own words and giving myself some downtime to rest and take care of myself over the coming month or two, with some time dedicated to some fabulous blog content for the run up to Samhain and Yule.

Its me, Ginger Witch. Happy Harvest Moon to you all 🧡.

Stay Wild & Blessed Be.

Ginger Witch.

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The Full Corn Moon 2020 …..

The Full Corn Moon September 2nd 2020

….. falls on 2nd September. And if you’re anything like me you’ll be thinking thank goodness it’s September.

I’m sure you’ve all noticed the days getting shorter and the nights getting cooler as the wheels spins us rapidly towards the dark half of the year.  That is why right now, I can be found in the back garden, on a clear night, on the very last day of August, enjoying one of the few nights left this summer where it is practical to sit outside and write.

It is very much in my nature to be outside whatever the weather; waterproof Gazebos and sheltered fire pits are my friends. However even I won’t sit and shiver my way through writing a blog post in the very coldest and darkest of days. 

I relish the crackling of the fires, the lights adorning houses and gardens, the celebrations of All Hallows Eve, Bonfire Night and Yule.  My dark goddesses come into their own and remind me in furtive whispers of the lessons they have taught me and make their promises that they will  continue to walk with me just as I promise to continue honouring them.

But let’s leave these tales of darkness here for now; we will continue talking about this in my upcoming Mabon blog post.  For now, we turn our attention to our beautiful lady of the sky in all of her bright and full glory. & @joncarraherart

The ceaseless and unforgiving spin of the wheel is the reason our September full moon is either named The Full Corn Moon or The Harvest Moon.  The Harvest Moon falls in September two in every three years, and is always the full moon closest to the Autumnal Equinox.  This year, in 2020, it is the full moon on 1st October which is closest to the Autumnal Equinox, making our September Full Moon the Full Corn Moon instead of the Harvest Moon. This happens every third year.

This year the Autumnal Equinox falls on 22nd September at 14.30 in the UK.

Our ancient ancestors tracked their time and seasons using the night sky; both the stars and the moon, and they named the monthly full moons to guide them through the practical activities they relied upon, such the dawning of the time of year to harvest their crops, and on what they saw in the natural world around them (for example the Sturgeon Moon or the Buck Moon are named after significant activities of these animals at particular points in the year).

This is the time of year to harvest and fill up on stores to last through the harsh winter months. Our ancestors saw more brutal and unforgiving winters than we do. They did not have the home luxuries that we have such as central heating to keep them warm and safe against the frosts. They did no have shops to provide them with all of their needs. Instead communities relied upon not only successful harvests of grains, fruits and vegetables to last them many months, but on gathering wood for fires and straw for roofs. The coming of the Corn Moon (or Harvest Moon) was an important marker, a vital indicator of this notch on the spinning wheel.

Harvesting apples is a practice as old as the memories of witches. Beautiful image by @fraukruber

And whilst the coming days and months are filled with preparations for winter, it is also delightfully true that the days leading to winter are days for the warmth of flames, cosy blankets and heart warming tales; these are my favourite times of the year.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the changing seasons and find joy in the Spring and Summer, walking with the May Queen and Oak King along their path of virility to their place of slumber, however the darker days are my domain.

Civilisations across the globe have had many names for the full moons, and, through the ages, the name The Full Corn Moon has been generally accepted as the name for this particular September Moon, with alternatives being The Barley Moon, the Fruit Moon and the Honey Moon. The name comes to us from wise tribes of Native Americans, who recognised many moos ago that this was the time of year to begin thinking about harvesting the crops, bringing in the grains, and making stores for the colder months ahead.  This year our Full Corn Moon is the last full moon of the summer, a reminder to us that colder days are close on our tails.

This image by @garlandsandgravestones depict this full moon perfectly. Visit them at

As we journey into the coming annual darkness we find ourselves with more time to reflect and to complete the thoughts of where we want our path to lead us though the next few months and of the things we would like to bring into our lives. These many faceted thoughts that come to us in fragments through the excitements and adventures of the long summer days never seem to feel fully formed.  The Full Corn Moon is the perfect time to sit with these thoughts and allow them to complete their transformation into plans and goals. 

During the Full Corn Moon, when you’re sitting with these thoughts, focus on your emotions, on healing your body and mind, on bringing balance into your life. These are the areas that will reap the most benefit from soaking in the moonbeams, whether real if you’re outside or metaphorical if you’re inside, of the homely and generous Full Corn Moon.

This Full Corn Moon with help you to see those around you and inside of yourself clearly. Stunning image by @syri_water &

Don’t forget that all full moons are of course magical times to recharge healing crystals, to make moon water, to cast spells and set manifestations for abundance and healing. Just remember that it is during the Full Corn Moon, when the focus of the natural cycles of our Mother Earth is to harvest, to store, to bring into life and home the things needed to survive the coming winter, that that your wishes and intentions for abundance are in perfect symmetry with the flow of the year and are particularly strong.

Stay Wild & Blessed Be

Ginger Witch