I had hoped to bring this post, Full Hunter’s Moon: Samhain 2020, to you on Samhain this year, however due to one thing and another that wasn’t possible. My blog about Samhain can be found at https://gingerwitchinnorthumberland.com/2020/10/23/samhain-celebrations-and-traditions/ . However, as I had this mostly written already I still want to share it with you. So here it is …

How amazing is it that Samhain this year brings us a full moon; the full Hunter’s Moon. Personally, I find this so exciting; the energies and thinning of the veil that comes with Samhain coupled with a full moon should be an en environment for some really powerful spell and manifestation work. As if that wasn’t enough, because this is the second full moon in October this year, the full Hunters Moon is also a Blue Moon.
As an interesting side fact, this year’s Full Hunter’s Moon will be the smallest Full Moon of the year and is therefore referred to as a “Minimoon”, the opposite of a “Supermoon”. The moon won’t look any different to the naked eye, however, so this is just a fun fact to store in your Full Moon knowledge bank.

Another interesting fact is that the last time Samhain shone with a Full Moon in the sky visible the Globe over, was in 1944, during World War II some 76 years ago. The next time a Full Moon will fall on Samhain and be Globally visible will be in 2039. Gosh, I’ll be 56 – let’s not think about that too much right now.
You also should not be disappointed if the moon does not look blue; it is not supposed to; the moon will retain its usual golden glow and will not shine hues of blue down upon you.

Full Hunter’s Moon – Meaning
The Full Hunter’s moon is named as such because this is the time of year when hunters would head out to hunt for preserves, to stock up larders, pantries and store rooms with meat to last throughout the winter.
Obviously named before the days of nipping to a supermarket at almost any time of the day or night, the Full Hunter’s Moon rises in the sky once the crops have been harvested and the planes are flat and barren, making it easier for the well fed and fattened animals to be seen as they journey across the land.

Not only would these animals be easier for hunters to see at this time of year, but their predators such as foxes and wolves would also be easier to see as they too would venture into the open to hunt down the same prey as our ancestors.
Whereas many Full Moon names depict a general time of year, the Full Hunter’s Moon is a specific night when hunting parties would gather, as along with the advantage gifted to them by the flattened harvested fields, the brightness of the Full Harvest Moon would reduce the need for any other means of providing light, which, until fairly recent times, would have been achieved through the use of fire which obviously brought not only its own risks, but if spotted would have scared any animals away from the hunting party.

Other Names for the Full Hunter’s Moon
Not all cultures have the same names for the Full Hunter’s Moon, with it also being called the Sanguine or Blood Moon, probably named for the blood from hunting or the kaleidoscope of rich colours we see in nature as all but the evergreens bless us with their most vibrant displays before sinking gracefully to sleep for the winter.
Another name, found within Native American Tribes, is the Dying Grass Moon. As with all names attributed to the Full Moons by Native American Tribes, the name comes from observations of nature all around. It seems clear that this name comes from the dying of the plant life as winter approaches. Native American naming of Full Moons all tell us something about the time of year they appear to us in the night sky; such an intuitive and soul deep way to stay in tune with the cycles of the earth surrounding us.

The Full Hunters Moon and You (Yes, You!)
It’s unlikely that you will find yourself out hunting for your own food at this end of this harvest season (though let’s not forget that there are people and settlements around the Earth who do still hunt for food), so what does the Full Hunter’s Moon mean for you? Well let’s look at the intrinsic message we are receiving from our Lady Luna at this time of year. To go out hunting for provisions we are gathering what we need for survival, we are putting into practice our hopes and dreams for the coming months, and we are putting in the hard, bloody and dirty work into making sure we have what we need to accomplish our goals throughout the winter; putting into practice that which we have planted and planned for throughout the year. We understand that these are the last days we will spend outdoors for some time and that our pursuits will take us under rooves and into shelters. We understand that even distant light can bring illumination to the darkness covering our winter paths.
So sit a while and think, sit a while and meditate or journal; what do you want to achieve this autumn and winter? Have you done all that you planned to help you achieve it? What do you need to do to set the wheel in motion; does this match those planted seeds and drawn out routes? Let the energy and magical light of this Full Hunters Moon surround and penetrate you and pour your ideas and spells filled with that Luna energy into your ritual fires, spaces, chants, dances or spell bags and focus on the manifestation of your desires.

Set out jars, bottles, dishes and bowls of water to create such powerful moon water this Samhain. Carefully place your crystals, wands, spell candles, cards and other magical tools in a safe and dry place to soak up the rare and intense vibrations of this super-charged spiritual night.
There is not a single better day this year to put that first toe out of your comfort zone to embark on something new and exciting..
It’s been a challenging year this year, for everyone, and the air around us has generally become filled with more negative energy and more negative vibes than I personally have ever felt. This Samhain night use the magic and sparkle in the air to cleanse yourself of this negativity; you have the means within you to cleanse your own energies and aura; take the opportunity so beautifully presented to you by the universe to invite calm, peace, determination and strength into your soul.

Perhaps 2020 has beaten some of your dreams down a little, dampened your ambitions or put new pursuits on hold. This convergence of Samhain with the ethereal energy of the Full Hunter’s Moon is here to remind us that our dreams and ambitions are not born to be stunted or placed on hold. Flowers to not stop growing mid-season, they endure and strive towards the light until they bloom into their full beauty. You are no different. Maybe you cannot realistically not put practical steps into motion right now, but what can you do? Can you make written plans? Put preparations in place? Just as our ancestors would prepare for their hunt while waiting until the light of the Moon to hunt by, you can make your preparations and be ready to fire when the right time presents itself to you. Remember, acknowledge, work towards and capture your dreams. Rarely, under the Full Hunter’s Moon, would the prey wander freely into the lair of the hunter.
So there you go, a mini rambling from Northumberland about the Full Hunter’s Moon. I hope you had a magical time and embraced all that this celebration brings.
Stay Wild
Blessed Be
Ginger Witch